Framed Answer Thursday, September 26, 2024
Today’s framed puzzle number is #935. We have included some information for you to take a look.
Before we give you the final answer, we will give you some hints and an extra picture from a movie scene. We are hoping this would make you remember the movie on your own. If not the answer is at the bottom of the page.
Movie Scene Preview
Some Clues
- The Movie features Sigourney Weaver and Bryan Brown
- It was released in 1988
If you still have no ideas the answer is right below.
Today’s Framed Answer is
Gorillas in the Mist
Not just ‘Gorillas in the Mist’ but all other movies are solved here. We try to give you the most accurate answers including helpful clues to increase guide you to reach the answer yourself. Thanks for solving Framed 935 with us.
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